The Cooking Channel’s popular television show, “Taco Trip,” visited Braddah’s Island Style ( in Las Vegas recently. The restaurant will be featured on an upcoming episode of Chef Aarón Sanchez’s show, airing later this summer. “Taco Trip” airs regularly on The Cooking Channel, (currently Tuesday evenings – 10PM Eastern Time). A list of upcoming episodes can be found at:
“It was wonderful having Chef Aarón and crew in our kitchen and dining room,” said Christopher Campbell, Founder and President of Braddah’s Island Style, “we feel we made a big impression with them on our friendly Aloha style and our very popular Kalua Pig Tacos.” “Taco Trip” featured Braddah’s first location in the segment, located at 2330 S. Rainbow Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89146. The Braddah’s Island Style segment was filmed over two days, Tuesday, May 26 and Thursday, May 28.
Braddah’s Island Style burritos, bowls & tacos is a growing Hawaiian/Island Style restaurant that marries the fast-casual concept, to foods from the islands. The menu features foods that are fresh and prepared daily. Ohana (guests) may choose from specialties including Huli Huli Chicken, Kalua Pig, Pulehu Steak, Grilled Fish, and Grilled Island Fresh Veggies. The fast-casual has won various awards for Best of Las Vegas and Bite of Las Vegas. Restaurants offer dine-in, to-go, and two locations with drive-thrus. Braddah’s Island Style burritos, bowls & tacos opened its first location in Las Vegas in July 2013. The restaurants offer a casual atmosphere, patio, and drive-thru. Currently there are three locations in the Las Vegas metro area, with a fourth location opening this summer. For additional information about expansion plans and opportunities with Braddah’s Island Style, please call Christopher Campbell at 702-701-2368 or 702-222-0767.
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Corporate Address
2330 S. Rainbow Blvd.
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89146