Dairy Queen Throws Blizzard Treat Names Into the Mix for Weather Blizzards This Winter

Dairy Queen Throws Blizzard Treat Names Into the Mix for Weather Blizzards This Winter

With the announcement from the Weather Channel that blizzards this winter will be named, most with a Greek/Roman theme, Dairy Queen is offering the names of its signature BlizzardTreats, at no charge.

Now, in addition to Caesar (a name more closely associated with salads), blizzards could be named Candy Cane Chill, Chocolate Xtreme or Hawaiian.

“Obviously a blizzard is a serious weather situation. But we thought since the Weather Channel is naming blizzards, we would lend them our Blizzard Treat names should they need them,” said Barry Westrum, executive vice president of Marketing for American Dairy Queen Corporation (ADQ). “Because our signature Blizzard Treats are world famous, we feel it’s our civic duty to make this offer to the Weather Channel.”

While weather blizzards have been around since the beginning of time, the Dairy Queen system began blending simple combinations of cookies, candies, nuts, fruits and DQ soft serve in 1985 to create its signature Blizzard Treat. The incredible popularity of the Blizzard brand is what led the Dairy Queen system to initiate the Blizzard Fan Club at BlizzardFanClub.com in 2005 which today is 4.3 million members strong.

For more information about the Dairy Queen system, visit DairyQueen.com.