Kenneth Theobald, President and founder of Flame Grilling Products announced today the “official” opening of their new manufacturing and distribution center in Waldoboro, Maine. Mr. Theobald and his family who have been in the grilling wood business for over ten years in Maine, are credited with inventing the first ever oval grilling planks as well introducing the grilling market to the Northern White Cedar variety of rectangle grilling planks.
According to Mr. Theobald, “the market demand for Maine grilling woods such as apple, sugar maple, black cherry, beechnut, white cedar, oak, mountain olive as well as our own native varieties of hickory and mesquite has grown to the point that we need more room.” All of Flame’s grilling woods are available in dust, chips, chunks, various sized oval planks, and traditional rectangles.
The Theobald Family has seen the market potential grow from a small family business operating out of their farmstead in Brooks, Maine to a multi-million dollar a year enterprise. Mr. Theobald and his equity partners are already gearing up to open a sister operation in Fort Pierce, Fl to supply the market with the southern varieties of fruit and nut woods.
According to Mr. Theobald, “the grilling wood business nationally is a one hundred million dollar market at wholesale.” While the market is dominated by the traditional varieties of hickory and mesquite, “the demand for our ‘exotic’ woods is growing by leaps and bounds.” “We want to be in a position to supply this growing demand well into the future,” says Mr. Theobald.
According to Mr. Theobald, “Our new 30,000 sq ft facility will enable us to grow with our customers by expanding our drying capacity, adding new production equipment, and expanded shipping and processing capabilities”.
Flame Grilling Products are available through most institutional and retail distributors.
Kenneth Theobald
2500 Winslows Mills Rd
Waldoboro, Me 04572
Or visit their website: