The New York Brick Oven Company’s Inferno Series Revolving Deck Brick Ovens has become one of the industry leaders in the Fast Casual Pizza market due to unrivaled speed and consistency. Many of the Hottest Fast Casual Pizza concepts have realized the value of the revolving brick oven and our now utilizing the oven to stay ahead of the competition.
Industry leaders such as 3-time International Champion Goodfella’s Brick Oven Pizza of Staten Island, New York is at the forefront of this new technology, replacing their existing 8 ft. traditional brick oven with a revolving deck oven.
Goodfella’s co-owner Andrew Scudera said, “This oven out-produces a regular brick oven hands down. Not only that, but it saves labor and makes a consistent product every time, which is very important in a busy place. This is the biggest innovation I have seen yet in the pizza industry during the last 20 years.”
The Inferno series comes in a wide range of sizes and configurations to suit such places as a small pie-making bistro to a high-volume location featuring pick-up and delivery in addition to dine-in. The main draw to these new ovens is that they eliminate the need for skilled labor to constantly rotate pizza and understand the mechanics of cooking in a traditional fixed cooking surface brick oven. Once the pie is placed on the rotating brick surface it spins around the oven and is cooked completely and consistently. The innovative patented design feature of an electric heating element below the cooking surface ensures the surface is always hot and augments the wood or gas fire capabilities of the oven while reducing initial start-up time to reach the ideal operating temperature. The New York Brick Oven Company recently made 201 pies in 52 minutes in one of the Inferno ovens at Pizza Expo 2014.