Dickey’s Barbecue Pit, the world’s largest barbecue franchise, opens newest location in Naugatuck on May 31. In honor of this smokin’ hot celebration Dickey’s will be giving the first 100 customers a free pulled pork big barbecue sandwich.”There isn’t anything like Dickey’s in the area,” said Donna Ferrari. “We are excited to open. I know Naugatuck is ready to enjoy our authentic barbecue.”
Donna and her husband Mark own and operate this new location with their two general managers, William Herens, their nephew, and Ryan Ferrari, their son.
This new location is at 160 Rubber Avenue, near Dunkin’ Donuts and Friendly’s. This is the second location in Connecticut; the first Dickey’s in Connecticut opened its doors on Main Street in Bridgeport last December. Dickey’s is open from 11am to 9pm daily.
“The Ferrari family has what it takes to make their location successful,” said Roland Dickey, Jr., president of Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants, Inc. “Their enthusiasm is contagious and we look forward to them expanding across the state.”
Since 1941, the world’s largest barbecue franchise has offered free kids meals every Sunday and affordable family packs designed to bring the whole family together for dinner. Family packs come with a choice of two meats, three medium sides, six rolls and Dickey’s famous barbecue sauce.
Founded in 1941, Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants began in Dallas, Texas. More than 70 years later, Dickey’s is now the world’s largest barbecue chain. Currently, Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants is located in 42 states and over 230 locations nationwide. For more information on partnering with Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants in any location, call (866) 340-6188 or visit www.dickeys.com. Also visit our corporate Facebook page at www.facebook.com/dickeysbarbecuepit. Dickey’s: Passionate about the Art of Great Barbecue.
For Dickey’s franchise information, please visit www.dickeys.com/franchise/.