Showcase of the Stars Brings the Inspiration Back to Los Angeles

Showcase of the Stars Brings the Inspiration Back to Los AngelesShowcase of the Stars Brings the Inspiration Back to Los AngelesShowcase of the Stars, the popular youth career exploration program from MFHA, is back in Los Angeles this Friday, May 22.   Making an appearance at the Los Angeles Southwest College for the first time, MFHA promises to make this Showcase one of the most impactful, most attended, and enjoyable yet.

The big student group expected comes from 3 recognized city colleges: Los Angeles Southwest College (which also worked in coordination with its sister colleges), Los Angeles City College and Los Angeles Harbor College. As a result, around 300 multicultural, high school and college students, are expected.

Anyi Espinal, MFHA Member Relations and Showcase Program Manager, shares two activities expected to bring much excitement: “Premier Sponsor Starbucks is hosting a coffee tasting at this event; an activity that is always received with much enthusiasm. After the main program, Los Angeles students can look forward to a mini-career fair from sponsors Sodexo, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Buffalo Wild Wings and of course, Starbucks.”

Showcase of the Stars is a live, interactive career exploration event that promotes careers in the food and hospitality industry directed mainly at minority high school and college students.  MFHA has been executing Showcase of the Stars events since 2000, when the first program was held in Chicago. Since touring major US cities in 2001, it has inspired over 20,000 students and 5,000 educators in 27 major cities and counting. For more information, email:

Multicultural Foodservice & Hospitality Alliance (MFHA) is an educational non-profit that helps members build their Cultural Intelligence to deliver better business results, providing multicultural solutions that help raise the topline, improve the bottom-line and build authentic brand value for our member companies. Learn more at