Dickey’s Barbecue Pit, the world’s largest barbecue franchise, will open its newest location in Sparkleberry Square in Columbia on Friday, June 8. In celebration of this new store opening, Dickey’s will be giving the first 100 customers a free pulled pork big barbecue sandwich.”We’re very excited to be bringing Dickey’s Barbecue to the area,” said franchise owner Donnell Brown. “The response has been overwhelmingly positive — customers are eager for us to open.”
This new location is located at 10136 Two Notch Road Suite 100A and the store phone number is 803-699-0727.
“Dickey’s has been serving authentic mouthwatering barbecue for over 70 years,” said Brown. “We’re happy to be bringing that tradition to Columbia.”
Since 1941, the world’s largest barbecue franchise has offered free kids meals every Sunday and affordable family packs designed to bring the whole family together for dinner. Family packs come with a choice of two meats, three medium sides, six rolls and Dickey’s famous barbecue sauce.
Founded in 1941, Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants began in Dallas, Texas. More than 70 years later, Dickey’s is now the world’s largest barbecue chain. Currently, Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants is located in 44 states and over 230 locations nationwide. For more information on partnering with Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants in any location, call (866) 340-6188 or visit www.dickeys.com. Also visit our corporate Facebook page at www.facebook.com/dickeysbarbecuepit. Dickey’s: Passionate about the Art of Great Barbecue.
For Dickey’s franchise information, please visit www.dickeys.com/franchise/.