Top 5 New Years Resolutions for Your Bar or Restaurant

Top 5 New Years Resolutions for Your Bar or Restaurant2015 is right around the corner, and you know what that means—it’s time for New Year’s resolutions. Resolutions aren’t just about working out or eating better. They can actually be a great way for your bar or restaurant to set—and achieve!—goals. But what should your New Year’s resolutions be? Keep reading to find out five resolutions that could help your bar or restaurant increase sales, keep customers happy, and make 2015 a great year.

1. Amp up your social media presence.

The social media landscape is always changing—what worked at the beginning of 2014 might not be so great as we head into 2015. New social media platforms pop up all the time, so resolve to keep up on the newest and best ways to use social media. But don’t forget about the social media sites that you’re already using! If your customers interact with you on Twitter, resolve to be there for them. Remember, social media won’t do your bar or restaurant any good if you aren’t using it to make connections with customers. Answer their questions, offer promotions, and solve their problems whenever you can.

2. Get organized.

After the crazy holiday rush is over, don’t feel bad if your typical organizational methods have fallen into disarray. But that doesn’t mean things need to stay that way! In 2015, plan to get organized. This means making sure your bar is always stocked and clean. Do a regular inventory of everything to make sure you aren’t wasting food or liquor (and to reduce theft). The time you spend on organization will help you save tons of money in 2015.

3. Use more technology.

In 2015, there will be even more new and exciting ways to use technology in your bar or restaurant. You’ve probably heard about Apple Pay and the way it’s revolutionizing the industry. Consider using it in your bar or restaurant. You might also consider using tablets for payment, ordering, or games. And does your bar or restaurant have its own app? These are all things to consider in the new year.

4. Focus on your staff.

Your employees are your most valuable resource, but have you been spending enough time developing them? If you don’t have a new employee training routine, consider creating one. But don’t forget about your current employees! Training is important even for people who have been on the job for awhile. And if you want to keep employees happy, remember to recognize their achievements and be there to help them with their concerns. Whether you do this through one-on-one meetings, weekly group meetings, or just occasional informal check-ins, make 2015 the year you truly connect with your employees.

5. Try something new.

How long has it been since you’ve changed things up at your bar or restaurant? If it’s been awhile, make 2015 the year you bring some changes to your business. You don’t need to do anything crazy, but adding a new entrée or cocktail to your menu, updating your décor, or redesigning your tired menus can bring some life to your bar or restaurant.

Do you want 2015 to be your best year yet? Then now’s the time to start thinking about your goals! Put some of these resolutions into action at your bar or restaurant.

Article provided by Buzztime.

For daily tips, ideas, and concepts for your bar or restaurant, please visit

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